for ALL
First Term Progress Report

My Record
Comprehensive Approach to School Safety
I remain committed to a comprehensive approach to school safety. My vision includes enhancing physical security measures, addressing student behavior, and creating a supportive learning environment. By implementing these strategies, I will aim to ensure that all students learn in a safe and nurturing setting.
Financial Literacy Offerings for Students and Families
I am dedicated to introducing and expanding financial literacy programs for students and their families. My focus is to expand the integration of financial education into school curricula and offering resources to their parents, promoting informed financial decisions and long-term economic stability. This can ensure that every family has the tools they need for financial success.
Teacher Pay and Retention
I continue advocating for higher teacher pay to state leaders, prioritizing high-quality educators in every classroom. I believe that focusing on raising teacher salaries and addressing student-teacher ratios ensures that our schools retain skilled teachers and provide the best possible education for our children.
I support efforts to improve student behavior, allowing teachers to maintain control of the classroom and teach effectively.
Education Standards and Student Performance
I remain dedicated to upholding high educational standards and performance metrics. Her approach involves assessing students and tailoring support for schools to meet and exceed these standards, ensuring every student achieves their full potential and receives a quality education.
The ultimate goal is achieving a climate for each student to reach their full potential and possess the tools to contribute to the global community.
Facilities and Technological Innovation
I am devoted to advancing district facilities and integrating technological innovations. I support continuing to modernize school infrastructures and expanding access to cutting-edge technology, enhancing the learning experience and preparing students for a global future.
Angela's Story

Angela was born, raised and still lives in the Greenview Community of Columbia. Before graduating from Benedict College in 1998 with a degree in Elementary education, she attended Greenview Elementary, W.G. Sanders Middle, and W. J. Keenan High School. She is a life-long advocate of Richland School District #1 and her two children, Layla and Carter are now walking the same halls she once did.
Angela is passionate about the plight of our District’s students and teachers. She enjoyed all her teachers, and three of them still shape her life.
Mrs. M.S. Jackson, her 1st grade teacher, is fondly remembered as a firm, nurturing spirit. She expected the best from all her students and they worked hard not to disappoint her.
Angela started piano lessons at the age of six and took up the violin in the 5th Grade, under Mr. Freddie Grace. He and the arts had a profound impact on her early childhood development as she spent 6 years on the Richland District One Orchestra.
When Angela entered high school, she was greatly touched by DeVonne Risher Smalls, who mentored her mostly about life, in and outside of the classroom. Much of what she learned from her greatly influences Angela’s current interactions with her own children.
As a proud parent, and fierce advocate Angela is deeply committed to providing our children a safe, secure learning environment. The challenges they face today are drastically different from those of other generations. We need to continue developing new and innovative ways to educate our children efficiently and effectively.
“It is to that end that I pledge to you my best efforts and ask for your vote on Nov 5th for Richland District One School Board of Commissioners At-Large.”
Ensure the infrastructure is in place to reinforce a safe learning environment making it possible to return safely to a traditional learning model.
Neighborhood Schooling
Foster a culture of Neighborhood Schooling where schools are no longer seen as in but of our neighborhood. Parents, teachers, administrators and community leaders should interact in a seamless environment.
Staff Development
Place an emphasis on professional development across the district to ensure we recruit and retain quality professionals dedicated to the success of our children.